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(Creative Enchantments Blog Page)

Intention is great….but is it enough?

We’ve chosen a path, we’ve set an intention and we’ve begun to move toward a goal. We feel impelled to keep moving forward toward the goal, but is it enough? Have we ever explored the “why” behind our drive? Do WE truly want what we are pursuing or are we chasing a destination with the hopes of obtaining the approval of someone else?

The bottom line is this: IF we’re unsure about our motives, our results will be every bit as unclear. We’re in the sign of Scorpio and we’ve just experienced a solar eclipse in Scorpio. So what’s the message? DIG DOWN DEEEEEEEP until we understand our “why.”

Once we have answered that question and we realize our goal is legitimately our own, we must next decide to surrender ourselves to the flow of the experience, relishing the moment. Surrendering our expectations to our Higher Power rather than being guided by our limited selves is great. If our true desire is to experience something, then let’s “let go” of our attachment to the form we think it’s supposed to take.

An important aspect to consider now is where we place our focus, because where ever we place our focus, guess what? That’s where our energy will flow. If we are pursuing the goal another may want for us, we may feel resentful. And if we focus on resentment, even on the subconscious level, the outer world will create even more opportunities for us to be resentful. If we are envious of others, competitive or overly ambitious, we will NEVER get to experience the feeling that we are enough, we have enough or that we do enough. But on the other hand, when we focus on gratitude and compassion for ourselves AND others, the Universe creates even MORE opportunities for us to be grateful and loving. When we look for abundance, it has an uncanny way of multiplying in our lives.

Let us make sure our motives are pure, joyful, clear and honest. Then we can aim high and trust the Universe to provide the outcome that is a perfect match for our intentions. Why? Because it always does. 😊 And from there we will be “prompted” to take the next right action. Blessings!

What Rules What? 

IAries ruled body parts are the head, brain, eyes, face and muscles.

Taurus ruled body parts are the neck, throat, thyroid gland, larynx, chin, lower jaw, ears, tongue, vocal chords, jugular vein and tonsils.

Gemini ruled body parts are the hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, upper ribs, lungs, bronchial tracts, trachea, thymus gland and nervous system.

Cancer ruled body parts are the breasts, breastbone, stomach, upper digestive system, lower ribs, womb and pancreas.

Leo ruled body parts include the heart and upper back.

Virgo ruled body parts are the lower digestive tract, mid back section, intestines and spleen.

Libra ruled body parts include the lower back (lumbar region), kidneys and adrenal glands, along with the body’s largest organ…the skin. (Is that what you thought was the body’s largest organ? The Skin?) (It is!)

Scorpio ruled body parts include the sex organs and colon.

Sagittarius ruled body parts consist of the liver, hips, thighs, pelvis, femur and sciatic nerve.

Capricorn ruled body parts include the teeth, bones, skeletal system, spine, joints and MOST ESPECIALLY the knees.

Aquarius ruled body parts are the circulatory system, ankles, Achilles heel, calves and shins.

Pisces rules the feet, lymph nodes and the immune system.  

And as promised, Part Three of Three of my Blog

Many of today’s books are being published by small, independent publishers and many more are even being “self-published.” And for the record, ”self publishing” is nothing new. In fact, it has a solid history in our American roots. As far back as Colonial Times, anyone who was lucky enough to own their own printing press often wore three hats, that of author, publisher and printer. Benjamin Franklin comes to mind.

There are many reasons why some modern authors are electing to publish their own works themselves. As always, there is the issue of money. There are many more tax deductions available to publishers than there are to authors. There are more write-offs for entertainment, travel and electronic toys. Self-publishers make more money on their efforts; they get their work out into the world more quickly AND they have more “artistic freedom”. Traditional publishers, in an effort to save money, (yes. THAT again,) leave out some illustrations. They often change the titles and they even alter the themes of some books. And SOME even print on cheap paper. (Like I said time and time again, it’s ALWAYS about the money.) Also, self-published authors don’t have to share the profits. So, in many ways, self-publishing could be the wave of the future.

Now, I have been reading since I’m four years old and I’ve been supporting book stores for my entire life. One look at my bookshelves is overwhelming evidence of that. And I must say, never once in my life have I EVER walked into a book store and asked for books from any particular publisher. That’s the LEAST relevant criteria for me in choosing a book. I also remember what Julia Cameron said. The biggest crazy makers for artists are those who WISH they were creative and aren’t. Hmmmm…, as far as I am concerned, the penny ante uncreative Indie book store owners who give new authors a hard time and treat them like garbage can have their shops morph into ghost towns for all I care.

On the other hand, Amazon, the largest bookstore in the world, has made it extremely easy for new authors to sell their work. Both Pattie’s Best Deal AND It Can’t Rain This Hard Forever are being treated well. So, as I said to my colleague and I’m saying to you right now, I'll just stick with Amazon and thank God for it. Besides…it’s convenient for far more than just books. How many of you relied on it to get through the recent Pandemic? 

The Best Place To Purchase Books. No. Really. (Part Two of Three)

As an author, I told you WHERE I purchase ninety nine percent of my books and as I said before that happens to be Amazon, the World’s Largest Retailer. Anyway, now I’m going to tell you WHY. I will start by sharing a story that happened to a colleague of mine. Like my books, my colleague’s books are distributed through INGRAM CONTENT GROUP. So what does THAT mean? It MEANS….if you are reading a book, whether it's either of my books, any of James Patterson’s Books, John Grisham’s Books, my colleague’s books or anyone else’s books, there’s a ninety percent chance Ingram Content Group probably distributed it. And that’s true whether you are reading a book in the US, Europe, China or anywhere else on the planet. With the exception of a few books that get distributed through BAKER and TAYLOR and some other even smaller distributors, MOST books make their way into the world via INGRAM. My colleague’s books were professionally written, edited, designed and distributed through Ingram. For any of us authors to even have the privilege of “selling” our books we MUST agree to a required 55% discount. What does THAT mean? It means the distributor (Ingram) gets 15% of the list selling price of the book and the retail bookstores, be they Amazon, Barnes and Noble or a local indie bookstore, get 40%. And we authors must also agree that if the books don’t sell, they are fully returnable at our (yes, we the authors’) expense. So, in spite of the bookstores’ incessant palaver as to how they are not in a position to take risks with new authors, independent authors or authors whose books aren’t published by the TOP FIVE (there used to be SIX….but they merged. And if Random House acquires Simon and Schuster there will only be FOUR) big publishing companies, they actually never take any risks at all. (Believe me when I tell you, writing and publishing have nothing whatsoever to do with one another. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Writing a book is a creative act; publishing one is a business.) It kind of gives a new credibility to the Steve Winwood lyrics, “the man in the suit just bought a new car with the profit he made from my dreams.”

Anyway, this author wrote the books, did everything he was supposed to do, including agreeing to the required “clauses” as mentioned above and yet. And YET… a local bookstore, with whom he’d dealt successfully in the past, was under new ownership. I know the bookstore. But I’m not going to mention its name, because it’s such a non-entity, hardly anyone has ever even heard of it. Suffice it to say, the new owner was extremely rude to this author, when he brought his book in to set up a book signing. This “entrepreneur” flung the book onto the counter unopened and announced flat out, in no uncertain terms, would he host a book signing for that author, even though the author previously had a successful book signing with his predecessor. The store owner’s reason? The publisher was small and independent (you mean like his bookstore?) and not one of the so called BIG FIVE publishers. He took it upon himself to decide that books from small publishers are not worthy of HIS time or attention. The ONLY saving grace in this entire nightmarish scenario was the fact that there was ONLY ONE LONE customer in the store to witness this outrageous display of what? Jealousy? Insanity? EGO? No one seems to know. All I can say is that, according to the author, this penny ante store owner appeared to have taken great glee not only in belittling what he perceived of as the author’s wretched existence, but also the work that took up the last two years of that author’s life. VEDDY UNPROFESSIONAL DAHLINGS. And cruel. Especially because this same owner has blackboards with signs on them proclaiming how he “caters to the locals in this area” (where the writer is a “LOCAL author” and where the bookstore is). Yeah. Right. Imagine spending years of your life, applying yourself to something, in as serious and dedicated a way as possible, only to have some frivolous persona non grata denigrate it? UNSPEAKABLE.

Ghost Town Part Three

By the way, many of today’s books are being published by small independent publishers and many more are even being “self-published.” And for the record, ”self publishing” isn't something new. In fact, it has a solid history in our American roots. As far back as Colonial Times, anyone who was lucky enough to own a printing press often wore three hats, that of author, publisher and printer. Benjamin Franklin comes to mind.

There are many reasons why some modern authors are electing to publish their own works themselves. As always, there is the issue of money. There are many more tax deductions available to publishers than to authors. There are more write-offs for entertainment, travel and electronic toys. Self-publishers make more money on their efforts, they get their work out into the world quickly AND they keep control over their own artistic licenses. Traditional publishers, in an effort to save money, (yes. THAT again,) leave out some illustrations and they often change the title and lose the theme of the book. (Like I said time and time again, it’s ALWAYS about the money.) Also, self published authors don’t have to share the profits. So, in many ways, it could be the wave of the future.

Now, I have been reading since I’m four years old and I’ve been supporting book stores for my entire life. One look at my bookshelves is overwhelming evidence of that. And I must say, never once in my life have I EVER walked into a book store and asked for books from any particular publisher. That’s the LEAST relevant criteria for me in choosing a book. I also remember what Julia Cameron said. The biggest crazy makers for artists are those who WISH they were creative and aren’t. Hmmmm…..So, as far as I am concerned, these uncreative Indie book store owners and their shop s can become ghost towns for all I care.

On the other hand, Amazon, the largest bookstore in the world, has made it extremely easy for new authors to sell their work. Both Pattie’s Best Deal AND It Can’t Rain This Hard Forever are being treated well. So, as I said to my colleague and I’m saying to you right now, I'll just stick with Amazon and thank God for it. Besides…it’s convenient.

The Best Place To Purchase Books. No. Really. (Part One of Three) 

As you know, I usually try to keep my messages and blogs positive. This time will be an exception, because there just happen to be “some” situations that simply can’t be described in a positive way. So, having said THAT… goes:

INDIE bookstores ideally and idealistically should be these local businesses that cater to their local communities. That all sounds great. Except….it’s not. Because it’s not even true. First of all, they refuse to be competitive when it comes to pricing. And rather than focusing on what THEY can do for their customers, the only thing many of them seem to do is obsess about Amazon and lament at the way they perceive Amazon is putting them out of business. But why is THAT? After all, this is a Capitalistic society. And if buying books on Amazon is better for authors, better for readers and better for the economy, what’s wrong with THAT? I could also say that about the other commodities Amazon sells. Amazon shepherded many a consumer through the supply chain disasters during and after the “pandemic” when people had to hunt and forage for some of the most basic commodities. After all, our time and the price of gas is worth SOMETHING. That’s why I say, buying almost anything on Amazon is “better.”

And in the repetitive bleating of the Indie bookshops, where they spew their MANTRA that people “SHOULD” “support” them, do they ever consider reciprocating with the people they’re “SHOULDING” all over? Do they EVER support local authors? Occasionally. But most of the time they don’t. Why? Because they like the “old way” better. The “old way” allowed THEM to play the role of the almighty “GATEKEEPER,” who told their local buying public what was and was not available to read. I mean, of course there were no burnings of books in America. Let’s face it. Book burnings are just way too messy, not to mention REALLY “in your face.” So instead, they simply refused to stock books that didn’t yield THEM a profit. (That’s right. It’s ALWAYS a case of “follow the money”!) Or what about traditional publishers who took perfectly good books and rendered them “OUT OF PRINT?” They did that for the same reason. Money. But now, thanks to Amazon’s electronic KINDLE books, many beautiful literary works with great thoughts are being resurrected. Thanks to Amazon, these GATEKEEPERS no longer get to be the filter by which all of us experience our literary adventures. And thank God for that. To be continued....



Wow! Wow! WOW! WOW! That’s all I can manage to say. I know. I know. For a writer, that’s pretty monosyllabic. But in spite of that……JUST….. WOW! WHY? Because my second book, the long awaited sequel to Pattie’s Best Deal, entitled, It Can’t Rain This Hard Forever, is about to be published on July 12th (Walter’s birthday). So, do you know what that means? It means I am not a one hit wonder! If you’ve read Pattie’s Best Deal, (and I’m sure you HAVE. I mean who hasn’t, RIGHT?), you will probably agree that the quirky but good hearted main character, Pattie Anwald, is an intrinsically good person who constantly faces seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

And if you have ever wondered how Pattie “winds up,” or whether she’ll make it…OR…if you thought “gee, Pattie’s life just can’t get any worse, along comes It Can’t Rain This Hard Forever, to prove it can. Picking up where Pattie’s Best Deal, left off, It Can’t Rain This Hard Forever, transports us back to Pattie's world to answer these questions. Things quickly worsen for Pattie and we find ourselves wondering what Pattie will have to do in order to keep both her body AND her soul intact. And we also ask, whether Jordan will stay by her side and become her destiny. Drawing on the strength she developed during her time practicing law, Pattie demonstrates remarkable resilience in the face of endless insurmountable obstacles. Her refusal to lose her integrity in spite of the betrayals, murder, kidnapping, “me too moments” and other labyrinthine experiences Pattie has faced, she never seems to “lose the faith”. And let’s face it. How many have lost their faith over less? Pattie’s Best Deal has been described as an astonishing celebration of the liberating power of courage that restores our faith in humanity. And as flattered as I am by that description, I won’t disagree. 

Our Second Blog Entry

MOON CYCLES JUNE 1, 2022 (C) 2022

Most of us are living in an era where we simply ignore moon cycles. While at one time these absolutely fundamental cycles were noted in ritua​ls, at home and in places of worship – and still are in some cultures – that tradition and the accompanying lore have been largely lost in our own culture. In fact, many people who live in densely populated urban areas are so busy, it never even occurs to them to look up at the sky on the night of a full moon. Being unable to enjoy such a glorious sight and its stunning link to nature constitutes a real, not to mention unfortunate loss!

First, of all and let’s admit it. We’ve all heard this before. The moon controls the tides. And since like the earth, we inhabitants who occupy it are roughly two thirds water, naturally it would follow that the moon has some “sway” over us. I mean, even the Farmer’s Almanac takes its hat off to the Moon. Both ancient and modern farmers, plant, harvest their crops and fish in accordance with the cycles of the Moon. This applies to plants that grow above or below the ground. So in some ways that tells me these ancient ways were never completely lost.

In astrology the Moon is said to affect our mood. The moon’s position in our natal chart, both by sign and by house symbolizes the link to our mothers and the ways in which we were (or perhaps were not) nurtured during childhood as well as later in life. It also reflects how we nurture others and ourselves. The Moon ALSO reveals our emotional nature and stability as well as our capacity for intimacy AND our inner emotions and feelings. So… when the Full Moon brings those feelings to a peak, as it does every twenty eight days, it can feel like a time of extremes, emotionally and otherwise.

Moon cycles are often referred to as “the Maiden, Mother and Crone.” The maiden cycle starts with a New Moon. During the two week period between the New Moon and Full Moon it is called the time of the waxing moon. The “Mother.” There is a definite increase in cell growth. The Full Moon can bring also revelations to light. If you cut your hair during a full moon it will grow back faster. Also, people also bleed more during a full moon. That’s why surgeons warn against performing surgery during a full moon. Modern day studies have tried to refute this belief as a superstition but have been unsuccessful. Also, Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, also commanded that doctors “NOT touch with iron that part of the body ruled by the sign the moon is transiting.”. I suppose that’s why he said “a physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Back then, doctors were guided by their knowledge of the astrological correspondences among the seven planets, the seven metals, the seven endocrine glands and all the other parts of the body.

After the full moon, as the moon shrinks again, it is called a waning moon, the Crone phase. .

OUR FIRST BLOG ENTRY MAY 31st 2002 (C) 2022

WAS THIS PAST MERCURY RETROGRADE AS EXCRUCIATINGLY BAAAAAD as it can get? I thought I would go out of my mind. AM I the only one? Gee, I'm glad it's over. 

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